Event Management

Conferences, Exhibitions, Workshops, Seminars, Training Courses, Technical Tours, Gala Events – Any size or format of event including livestreaming.

***NEW*** – Revolve Services is able to offer livestreaming and recording for small events
Live stream your event  to your company’s Facebook page or via a dedicated link

  • Provide an additional income stream from sales of livestream tickets. This has the added benefit of targeting individuals who may not have the funds to attend in person.
  • Increase future attendance – there have been several studies that indicate that up to 30% of people who watch a livestream will attend the same event in person the following year.
  • Access to content on-demand after an event provides an opportunity to generate additional revenue
  • Provide opportunities for additional sponsorship revenue from events
  • Access to events for individuals who are unable to travel to attend events – particularly for those who are not based in urban areas where most events are held.
  • Increase communication and engagement amongst your stakeholders
  • Utilise webcasts for marketing upcoming events

Event Establishment

  • Construct an event timeline (Gantt chart) which will encompass all tasks to be accomplished and when they fall due.
  • Issue a Call for Technical Committee Members and Program Convenor (if required)
  • Prepare an event budget
  • Research and recommend a suitable venue for the event
  • Survey stakeholders to identify key themes and topics for the industry (if required)



  • Identify, engage and liaise with required contractors for the event e.g. Audio-Visual Services, Entertainment, Bus Transport
  • Liaison with venue, negotiation of contract details and final event orders
  • Arrange catering, room setup and AV requirements for conference days, social functions and technical tours
  • Arrange necessary signage for conference days and social functions
  • Liaison with exhibition shell scheme contractor if required
  • Negotiate rates for accommodation blocks at or near the conference venue


Meetings and Reporting

  • Schedule regular committee meetings, distribute agendas, minutes and action items
  • Provide regular updates on progress towards targets (delegate numbers, registration and sponsorship income)
  • Develop and distribute event feedback survey and collate results
  • Prepare a post-event report for distribution to sponsors and other relevant stakeholders



  • Receive and process all registrations
  • Respond to delegate enquiries
  • Communicate with attendees as required
  • Monitor privacy requirements of delegates
  • Prepare and distribute pre-arrival information pack for attendees
  • Prepare and distribute delegate feedback form
  • Create opportunities to encourage take-up of memberships via registration and exhibitor discounts.
  • Prepare delegate name badges


Event Program & Technical Committee

  • Coordinate the Call for Technical Committee Members and Program Convenor/Chair (if required)
  • Coordinate the Call for Papers
  • Receive abstracts, submit to the technical committee for review and manage the acknowledgement process by the due date
  • Facilitate development of the event program
  • Assist with identification of specialist speakers (if required)
  • Prepare formal invitation to keynote speakers and financial offer within budget
  • Prepare session chair run sheets and brief chairs


Speaker Management

  • Provide keynote speakers with a letter of offer outlining what is required of them and the level of financial compensation
  • Arrange receipt of paper and presentation, biography and copyright
  • Prepare PowerPoint template
  • Advise speakers of details regarding time and location of their presentations
  • Contact individual speakers to ascertain their AV requirements
  • Ensure that PowerPoint presentations are delivered to the AV contractor on time
  • Obtain speakers gifts if required
  • Coordinate travel, accommodation and financial arrangements for speaker/s if required



  • Develop sponsorship offering
  • Arrange signage (banners) as per sponsor benefits package
  • Provide contract letter for sponsors
  • Prepare PowerPoint template to be used during the sessions with sponsors acknowledgement
  • Arrange for sponsor promotional material for conference handbook (if included in package)
  • Obtain logos and company profiles
  • Source promotional items for sponsorship packages (if required)
  • Ensure all benefits within sponsorship packages have been delivered to sponsors



  • Identify exhibition contractor, negotiate agreement and develop floor plan
  • Provide contract letter for exhibitors
  • Liaise between venue and shell scheme builder for exhibitor’s special needs
  • Brief exhibitors as required
  • Produce and deliver to all exhibitors an exhibition manual
  • Ensure all exhibitors have adequate Public Liability insurance
  • Monitor compliance of exhibitors to requirements in exhibition manual
  • Oversee exhibition move in and bump out


Social Functions

  • Source and book venues for social functions
  • Produce dinner menus for tables if required
  • Liaison with social function sponsors as appropriate
  • Source and book entertainment if required
  • Arrange for bus transport to technical tour/s and offsite social functions if required
  • Prepare running sheets


Technical Tours

  • Prepare tour itineraries
  • Liaise with tour hosts about timing, attendee numbers, lists and catering
  • Book lunch for tour attendees
  • Purchase refreshments to take on the bus
  • Prepare running sheets for technical tour/s and brief coach captains as required


Publicity / Advertising

  • Prepare an advertising plan for the event
  • Assist with the development of conference branding/identity (if required)
  • Assist with development of a database of potential delegates
  • Compose text and collate information for brochures and program
  • Proofreading and editing of information provided by speakers, sponsors and other event stakeholders
  • Design all printed materials and arrange for printing
  • Distribute materials e.g. direct email marketing campaigns etc.
  • Book and prepare advertisements for appropriate magazines, email newsletters and other bodies as appropriate
  • Build and maintain conference website
  • Coordinate receipt of sponsors promotional material for conference handbook


Onsite Management

  • Provide registration desk, equipment and appropriate staff during event
  • Manage last minute registrations, function bookings etc.
  • Supervise staff/volunteers in the speakers’ preparation area (if available), Conference Secretariat and other areas as required
  • Ensure official guests are met and guided as required
  • Check room layouts, signage and AV setup


Financial Arrangements

  • Review registration fees, determine inclusions, policies for refunds, cancellations and complimentary registrations
  • Monitor members discounts
  • Invoice and receipt sponsors, exhibitors and delegates
  • Liaise with your organisation’s representative to develop a process for managing accounts receivable and payable including setup of credit card payment facility (if required).
  • Monitor cash flow and budget
  • Follow up on outstanding debts
  • Arrange auditing (if required)